Mini Golf App

Mini golf is a simple game app that I created using MIT App Inventor 2 through the ICS 110M, Introduction to programming. This golf game consists of three holes, and each hole contains one obstacle. The ball speed goes down when it hits an obstacle or bounces on edges. Each stroke that user flings the white ball toward the hole is counted to calculate the score. When the ball goes into (black) hole, a hole is over and indicates the final score.

As a newbie who was never took any programing class before, there was a challenging part; how to control the movement of the white ball. The first movement is the ball has own speed and direction while moving in real life. I used Flung event that gave the ball speed when user flings the ball on the screen. The second movement is the the rolling ball will slow down and stop sometime. I used clock component to control the ball if its speed is faster than zero, then reducing the speed. I used to CollidedWith event to implement the third movement that the ball will bounce and slow down when it hits obstacle or wall.

This project was my first programing project ever; ICS 110M was my first programing class. I did not have programing knowledge and experience at the time, but programing was really fun. It was first step that I could create something physically from my abstract idea using App Inventor. I was surprised that so many people already made apps using this simple program. After I completed this project, I wanted to learn more and be software developer, and chose my major as Computer Science.