ESLint, the effective grammar for JavaScript

20 Sep 2018

“me and he goes to library and I had test tomorow, because I studied.” You may re-read a sentence above several times to understand what it means. There are plenty of grammar rules in the English language. We care structure, spelling, pattern, punctuation, tense, and more. Some people think that grammar is not important in real life unless they are taking the writing intensive class. However, grammar helps us understand the conveyed meaning, develops ability to think own way about language, and makes to response to the meaning. Grammar is complex system of the language that represents the nature of language. Through the accurate grammar, we recognize how the language actually works and become comfortable to use it. Therefore, we communicate with other people clearly and effectively.

Everyone write code differently. We have already had experience that through in-class group WOD. You and your partner worked together at the same table, but two people’s code style was not the same. This is why we need coding standard. The rule makes the code easy to read and understand quickly. It is also a benefit for maintaining code, especially work in team. People understand the code that is written by coworkers without misunderstanding and waste time to figure out the messy code.

So far, my overall impression of ESLint with IntelliJ is that it will be my (WOD) lifesaver; it is useful. I spent half the day to plug ESLint into IntelliJ, but it was worth it. I often misspelled the names of function and variables while I was writing code so that I had to skim though every line if some un-understandable errors were found. ESLint is such a strict private tutor with a red pen who marks on my bad grammar. Through the fixing my coding, I will comprehend more how the programing language actually works, become fluent in JavaScript. ESLint helps me polish my knowledge, and my coding skill will improve as a result.