The Beginning

31 Aug 2018

Not even many years ago, the smartphone was not essential for most people. Cell phone was enough device to make a call and text. In the movie “Sex and the City”, Carrie was handed the iPhone (I guessed 1st iPhone) from her friend. She looked at it, gave it back to her friend, and said “I don’t know how to use it.” Carrie was such an icon of trendsetter who brought all the new things we never seen before, but the scene was acceptable because the smartphone was optional at the time.

Now, a majority of people own a smartphone and do many activities with it. Many people have quickly adopted new technology, the smartphone, and cannot imagine the life without the smartphone. We live in the change of dynamic technologies. We have experienced how technology brought new amazing stuffs to our life over last few decades. And the computer is the core that has led current technologies. Computer caught my eyes and made me stepped on this fascinating subject, programing.

When I was a girl, I imagined about future stuffs such as earbuds that can translate different languages, talking computer. Now technology leads into my imagination; Google Translate app, Siri and Alexa. Google Translate can translate between over 100 languages as type, talk, or handwrite. Moreover, using conversation mode can handle two-way speech to translate. What about Siri? Siri also can speak many languages, make conversation with users, and laugh!! I am very impressed those technologies that machine can speak human language naturally (no robot accent), understand human linguistics to response. Thus, computational linguistics is my current interest in software engineering that I want to know more.

I spent two years to take computer science classes so far, but I feel like I am still very beginner of software engineering. I hope I can start my career in software engineering field in the future, so I want to be ready. I would like to expand the scope of programing languages by strengthening programing languages I already know and learning new language such as JavaScript, HTML, and Python. I also expect I will gain more experience with class mates to polish communication skills and teamwork.